Friday, 27 September 2013

Time to go to Philippines

I'm leaving tonight to Philippines.  It 30 degree out there, but it feels like 37 degree, I'm told.
I think I packed everything I need to take.  I will stay in Manila for one week to get in-country training, then off to Tacloban.  Good-bye to the mountains of Alberta.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Only 5 days left

Only five days left before leaving Alberta.  I have been thinking what I should do, what I should eat and what I should to pack.  I'm not sure I have enough time to eat and do all, but I have to play one more game of golf before I leave.

Friday, 6 September 2013

My new blog

Hi Folks:

I will be leaving to Philippines in three weeks.  I am planning to post what happens in Philippines.  Tell you the truth, this is my first blog and I hope I can use it well.  Right now I try to limit what I should take to Philippines into one luggage.  It is not easy!

後、三週間でフィリピンに発ちます。 初めてのブログですがフィリピンでの出来事を書き込む予定です。今は持って行く荷物の整理で頭を痛めています。